Middle Cay, Glovers Reef

29th July – 2nd August 2022

Park fees were collected – BZ$30 per adult for the week, which is a bargain for this pristine beautiful place.

We initially anchored off the middle of the island in about 4’ of water, but after looking at the forecast (which included some fairly gusty patches from a relatively exposed direction) decided that was a touch too shallow. So, after some dinghy exploration we re-anchored in 6’ a little closer to the dock. Plenty of other suitable spaces not far away and because of the reef structures around here they’re all sheltered from waves/swell in prevailing winds.

Spent an evening listening to the Ospreys and other birds ashore. The kids pretended the sounds were various dinosaurs, wondered if the trees were swaying because of a T-rex, and then explored the island the next day wondering where the Archaeopteryx was.

The island is the base for a marine research institute and was well as the research facilities (including labs and living quarters for staff/visitors), there is a short trail around the island with good information signs dotted along the route. Dave didn’t make it ashore, but the rest of the family went on The Beck Interpretive Trail, which is quite a coincidence! The lady we spoke to on arrival warned us we’d need a lot of bug spray because of mosquitoes, and kindly leant us hers (we’ve barely needed it since we arrived in Belize so didn’t pack any), then looked at us skeptically as we set off- for good reason. Within minutes, mosquitoes were all around us, but the older boys adopted the attitude that the faster they went, the less the mosquitoes could get them! They disappeared off into the distance, and when Hector and Charlotte caught up, they were off in the shallows swimming- and saw shark pups!! in the mangroves. When we all emerged from the trail, we were shrouded in a cloud of mosquitoes like something from a kids cartoon, and only a dip in the sea from the dock got rid of them. A beautiful place for a visit, but we don’t know anyone hardy enough to make the most of it.

Night lighting beneath the boat- something Arthur loves when his brothers are asleep- revealed an array of small fish, squids and other beautiful creatures.