
24th to 25th April 2019

The anchorage here is very narrow as depths drop off rapidly. But fairly long, too, so we managed to find a space without too much trouble, although we ended up too close to some fishing buoys marking a crab pot. I know it was a crab pot because we pulled it up with our anchor on leaving – oops. Anyway, the anchorage is fine – good holding in sand, reasonably sheltered from prevailing winds and swell, nice enough.

The best part, though, was the huge mine on the shore, right next to the anchorage. I know what you are thinking, a mine isn’t a benefit. But we have kids. They loved it – watching the conveyor belts, diggers, dumpers etc. all doing their work. Many imagination games were inspired.

We didn’t stay here long as we were on our way to Antigua to pick up a wind vane, but managed a  brief visit to the beach in the morning before we left. We moored up on the fuel dock in the marina, which the attendant said was fine, and wandered onto the beach. The quick-shelving depth was a bit much for Theo, but Arthur had a good time crashing in the waves and Hector loves the sand. All fine.

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