Near Castillo de San Felipe, Rio Dulce

May 12th to 21st  2022

Great anchorage, according to the boys who are enjoying being back on the boat.

Arthur is enjoying everything having its place, and living aboard a generally nicer boat.

Boys enjoying swimming. Hector has decided he can be like his big brothers, so can now swim. By day three he was swimming stern-to-stern (6-7 meters) without assistance. His brothers seem to have decided he can swim, too, and are not maintaining sufficient distance when bombing off the arch (3m off the water)… but apart from that, it’s wonderful to see them all splashing together. And to play sea monsters.

Nice afternoon breezes- so much more pleasant than marina time, and on our return to the Rio it is unlikely we will marina for moire than short periods (if we want to travel away from the area for a few days or need to work on the boat).

Too many jetskis for our liking from the nearby Mansion del Rio; but otherwise, this is a lovely spot. A few other boats anchored here too. We’ll likely revisit later in the year.

Rescued a baby bird from the water-it fell from its nest in our boom- and helped it to dry out before returning it to its family. It looked pretty close to fledging so we can afford to leave the nest for a bit longer.

Colected some plants donated by a fellow crusier who was leaving her boat for too long to keep them- strawberries, thyme and chives. Then were given some aloe and lemongrass plants by Heather, who runs Backpackers Restaurant and Hotel, which is also a charitable organisiation. So much kindness in the Rio and sailing community.

Started Hector’s Piñata- it was a T-Rex originally, but with some encvouragement from his brothers, it needed to be a Velociraptor!

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