Palm Island

11th to 12th October 2019

We didn’t fancy our first approach to Tobago Cays in the dark; so anchored for the night off Palm Island. On the way in we got some man overboard practice. With Theo’s water bottle which he dropped overboard as we were on approach to anchor. We anchored and I went to get it in the dinghy. I suspect that if one of the kids fell overboard we’d try to retrieve them more quickly.

Although in the mood I was in that evening, perhaps not – they were being little monsters, and I was frustrated because our port engine has just developed an intermittent beep from the temperature alarm. I’m 90% sure it’s an electrical fault as it started immediately on engine startup (when the engine was most certainly not-hot), but finding an intermittent electrical fault is… not fun. So bleh.

Anyway, anchored off the private resort, took a couple of tries to set the anchor properly in about 7m of water. Held fine after that. A little rolly compared to the road-flat Caribbean anchorages we’ve become accustomed to, but not too bad.

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