Jolly Harbour

8th to 10th May 2019

Stayed a(nother) extra day because Theo had some incidents:

Fell through the hatch into kid-zone (about 2m). Cut the back of his head, on a door handle as Arthur-investigator discovered later on (“look, there’s the red of Theo’s blood”). Bled a bit but no problem. Charlotte and I got to catch up on the NICE guidelines for treating a head injury, which is always good – it has been a while. He was fine – obviously a little concussed, but fine. We think he landed on his bum, via smashing into a plate of cookies that was on the side. So we watched him carefully and stayed an extra day at anchor rather than sailing to Barbuda (hospital-less). Cookies were eaten.

In that extra day, he fell into the sea, from the deck. Playing a stupid game that both Charlotte and I had warned him would result in him falling into the sea. It turns out he can now tread water long enough for Arthur to call us and me to jump in and get to him. He was a little scared but managed not to swallow much water at all (this bit is true). And saw some fish when he sank nearly to the bottom, apparently (…). He did well, and when we got to the stern and Charlie passed him his noodle he had a little swim.

Later that day, he was playing on the trampolines with Arthur and got the most amusing egg-shaped bump on his head. Nobody has a clue how – it’s got the tiniest of bruises in the middle so perhaps he hit it on a bolt or something. Anyway, that was his third incident, so he’s invulnerable now, right?

On the bright side, the anchorage here really is beautiful. We visited the quieter beach (to the North of the bay) and had it to ourselves for a couple of hours. Very sheltered, although no shade so we needed our tent. Nice for swimming and snorkelling.

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