
23rd to 26th July 2017

Wells was our first destination after leaving Grimsby. It was a long first passage for the boys, and as there was little wind we had to motor the majority of the way, but this clam journey gave Arthur and Theo chance to get used to being out on the open sea without us as parents being too distracted.

Just as we arrived, a red arrows display was underway, a really spectacular end to our first sail. Helpfully, a pilot boat led us down the narrow channel into the harbour. The approach couldn’t have been more picturesque, passing colourful, quaint beach huts and numerous fishing boats on mooring buoys. Theo was refusing to be tethered in the cockpit for mooring, as after setting up our lines and fenders, I popped in the baby carrier, hoping to moor whilst Dave helmed- luckily this wasn’t necessary as the Harbour Master, a colleague and a gentleman from a neighbouring boat assisted us.

As soon as we had tidied up the moorings and boat, we went straight out to get fish and chips for dinner, which we ate a playground not far from the mooring. The boys made the most of the open space, doing laps around the equipment and table, grabbing handfuls of chips on the way! The next few days were spent in a similar fashion- playground, beach visits (one of which was very windy and short-lived!) and wandering between the many independent shops to provision. Oh, and eating ice-cream!

I can certainly see why Wells is so popular for holidays and short breaks, and it was refreshing to visit somewhere that had no chain stores that we saw. It really felt like our visit was supporting the local community.

Below a few photos we took.

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