West Coast of Providenciales

We were only planning on staying here for a night, to break the journey up into two smaller segments. In the end we stayed for three nights, and only left because our food was running out and we didn’t fancy trying the restaurant on shore (at an all-inclusive resort that cost upwards of $2,000 per night, I don’t want to know what they’d charge outsiders to eat).

There wasn’t much on the shore side here except for the hotel and a beautiful beach. Off the beach was a combination of natural and artificial reef, all teeming with life. I imagine in a few years the artificial bits will have caught up to the natural, which were teeming with life. We also found some rare pillar coral which we’ve not seen much of before, and generally enjoyed the snorkelling immensely.

As seems to be the case on the West coast of anywhere, sunsets were beautiful. The rain offshore was pretty spectacular too – all three afternoons we were here, a couple of miles offshore, while it was dry as a bone on the shoreline. Strange – maybe something to do with the cooler sea temperatures offshore where the depths quickly shelve to 2km and more? Or just a coincidence. We don’t know, but it was cool to watch.

Many photos were taken.

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