The Bight, Take Two

22nd to 25th May 2021

The weather was getting a little heavy to be exploring the cays in our dinghy, so we decided to move to Grace Bay. Which was far more exposed to the swell than we had expected, so we continued sailing and returned to The Bight for some better shelter. And a beach to spend Hector’s birthday on.

He spent a while pulling a navigation marker around the beach (the marker should have been in the sea near the entrance through the reef.) Our pinata of choice was a turtle, which the kids enjoyed smashing immensely. Normal birthday, all in all.

We also spent some more time on the boat together chilling. Did some painting, read a lot of books, swam a lot… there’s not a lot to do close to this anchorage for cruisers, and as our dinghy battery was in relatively poor condition at this time, we couldn’t venture far in the dinghy either! Not a huge problem for a few days rest and relaxation after a busy week among the Cays.

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