Samaná, Dominican Republic to South Port, Grand Turk

15th to 17th April 2021

This was a slow sail, averaging a little over 4 knots straight downwind in light conditions. But that was just fine by us, as it came along with relatively flat seas and easy sailing. Given this was our first substantive sail in over a year, it was a pretty good reintroduction to sailing.

On the way out of Samaná Bay we saw a Humpback Whale repeatedly breaching, not far at all from the boat. Far more spectacular than anything we saw on the whale tour or on entry to the bay. He must have been a straggler, as the ‘whale tour’ season ended a month ago!

We caught our fist Mahi Mahi, also our largest fish so far. It was just under 3′ long, around 4kg. Caught using a hand-line and lure baited with a strip of a fish we’d caught a day or two earlier. Gutting and steaking took a little while and left the cockpit looking like a crime scene- we need to improve our kit and set-up if we are going to catch large fish more regualrly. It provided four delicious meals.

Here’s a few other highlights:

  • Shortly before sunrise, Arthur comes out into the cockpit, snuggled in a blanket, and sits on the chair next to me watching the sky for a bit. Then says “I love sailing, it,s so peaceful”.
  • Many, many games of chess.
  • Many, many books to read to all of the boys.
  • Banana muffins. And other delicious food. We were worried we’d feel seasick after a year in port. But, possibly because conditions were so light, we were fine. The last of our home-made chocolate disappaeared, too.

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