
22nd January to 29th January 2020

Nice sail over, spoilt by bad news. The saildrive was visibly moving side to side in the swell while we were on the way here so we tested it, then sent an explanation of everything to Technodrive (the manufacturers). They tell us there are some loose or sheared bolts inside the housing, so we need to move the engine forward to access the inside of the saildrive. For once, we’re going to get an engineer to do something for us, especially as we have also discovered that Technodrive no longer stock spare parts of our model of saildrive. So, if the internals break, we’ll cry a touch. Then have a good excuse to buy an electric engine.

Good time here with another cruising family. Well, Charlotte and the kids had a good time anyway. Dave didn’t see the shore as between catching up on boat maintenance and working he didn’t have a lot of time. On the plus side we now have a much more solid ladder on the stern, handrail and cleat which will make accessing the boat via the dinghy easier than it has been (especially with Hector at the age he is – he now refuses help and wants to climb himself). And the bottom of the boat is relatively clean. And work was done, as is now normal.

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