Fort de France

18th to 25th June 2019

First anchored in a lovely big space not too far from the Fort walls. Then a RIB dragged a smallish local sailing boat in with one elderly gentleman on board, and he dropped anchor a little too close. That’s OK, we thought, he’s obviously got some engine problems (it would have been tough sailing weather for a single-hander that day) and will no doubt fix them and be off soon. The RIB took the owner away, and the boat was left unoccupied for the week we stayed there!

So, we moved the next morning. Re-anchored a short swim from the beach in less than two meters of water. Good decision, both because it meant we could swim to the beach and we were well away from other boats.

We spent lots of time studying the Iguanas on the beach and playing.

We also went to the botanical gardens by bus. Kids both enjoyed the bus ride and the botanic gardens. Beautiful. There’s a nice treetop walk there for ages 8 and up. Fortunately, if you add Arthur and Theo together, they are 8… As well as loving the treetop walk, they also enjoyed the kids’ playground.

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