
28th to 29th September 2017

On the way over we had a call on the VHF from Yacht Moonlighting, whose crew we had met in La Coruña (they have three girls, who spent a long while fishing off the pontoons with our boys), warning us that the conditions were fresher than expected. Fortunately, we had already reefed, but the last couple of hours of the trip to Laxe were straight into 25kts of wind, in uncomfortable seas and rain. Not fun, but we got there and set anchor fine – just off the beach, hoping that being slightly closer to shore would give us some shelter from the building wind.

We anchored overnight, intending to spend the next day exploring the small town as the forecast was for broken sunshine. As it was raining the next morning, we spent a few hours on the boat playing with Lego, reading stories and “school” with Arthur (reading Science Encyclopedia and discussing the intricacies of digestion, as well as aluminium extraction, at some length). We had lunch, and the rain continued, if anything getting heavier – so we decided to sail around to Camarinas to make our next journey (round Cape Finnisterre to Muros or thereabouts) a little shorter.

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