
17th to 21st September 2017

A few hours out from the Spanish coast, we decided to change our destination to Cederia. Good call – it’s a lovely anchorage with plenty of space between some mooring buoys and a beach all of which was well sheltered from most wind directions. A short dinghy ride away was a convenient slipway (although we remain unsure whether we should have used the pontoon or not..), and 10 minutes walk had you in the middle of a large town with all of the amenities you might expect. Fellow sailors might want to know that there’s a very useful-looking DIY shop here which from the outside also looked to stock a fair bit of sailing gear, and a large, convenient GLADIS supermarket which was cheap compared to everywhere we went in Brittany. Both within a short walk from the playground/square in the middle of town.

Our first full day at Cederia was spent stocking up, then on the beach next to town – I [Dave] left Charlotte and the kids there while I took supplies back to the boat, and then joined them (with snacks) for a few hours relaxation. The following day, we spent a bit longer on the dinghy to get to another beach on the other side of the Ria. We spent a few hours there, only seeing a few people doing a survey of the coastal erosion, and a few kids playing football. Arthur RAN maybe 600m to get to the end of the beach, and we spent a while exploring the river delta and trying to see fish – which I learnt is much harder from the eye height of a four year old (the reflection from the river/sea surface gets in the way until the fish are practically at your feet). This was definitely a highlight of our trip so far, even if we did run out of petrol halfway back, at least that gave me a good workout with the oars.

All in all, Cederia was a wonderful introduction to the Spanish Ria’s and how we hope to spend a good portion of our time (at anchor) in the near future.

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